Image by: Shark DeMayo

Image by: Shark DeMayo

THE LAW IN THESE PARTS (2011, 100 min) reveals the legal framework of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories and exposes the injustices inherent to a system of laws designed by Israel but applied only on Palestinians. Through archival footage and interviews with Israeli military judges, prosecutors and legal advisors, THE LAW IN THESE PARTS, winner of the Sundance 2012 Grand jury award for international documentary unravels an intricate system of military control that symbolizes one of the most enduring and damaging conflicts of our time. From establishing settlements in an occupied area to dealing with torture in interrogations to rationalizing parallel legal systems for Palestinians and Israelis, THE LAW IN THESE PARTS explores some of Israel's basic moral quandaries. Can a nation which occupies another people act with genuine adherence to the principals of rule-of-law? And what are the implications of the very effort of documenting such a system?

Selected Awards and festival Screenings

The George Foster Peabody Award for Electronic Media 2013; Sundance Festival 2012 - Grand Jury Prize International Documentary Competition; Hot - Docs Film Festival 2012 - Special Jury prize - International Documentary Competition; Full Frame Film Festival 2012 - Special Jury Award; Jerusalem International Film Festival 2011 - Van Leer Award for Best Documentary ; Select Broadcasts and distribution.


Film Team

Directed by Ra'anan Alexandrowicz 

Produced by Liran Atzmor. 

Cinematography: Shark De Mayo

Editors:  Neta Dvorkis and Alexandrowicz.

Original Score: Karni Postel

Sound design: Ronen Nagel

Executive producers Laura Poitras and BZ Goldberg.